Electric vehicles and speed—do they go hand-in-hand? Historically, EVs are known for their limited speed range. Many automobile enthusiasts who prioritise speed do not opt for an EV. Every rider's comfort value is to ride long distances with speed and the longest range. The range challenge prevents an EV from...
Your partner is obsessed with tennis, and you book the entire Wimbledon stadium as a birthday gift. No other audience watching the game, but just both of you. Getting down on one knee—not on earth but around the moon. The common thing in both instances is the exclusivity. As human...
As Oscar Wilde says, “Live life with no excuse, travel with no regret.” And when we are talking about some of the best luxury travel destinations, there is no room for regret. The only emotion is exhilaration. Traveling by a private jet or yacht supremiums the holiday. Let's enumerate the...
The first thing a consumer remembers about a brand is the logo of the company. The logo registers in the mind easily and has a high impact. The market is progressing towards minimalist logo design. A simple yet compelling design that doesn't boast of unnecessary splashes is a simple design...
Celebrities flaunt glamour, affluence, class, and their own celebs. What do i mean by own celebs? Their fancy cars are their own celebrities - their proud possessions. When you own a Rolls Royce Boat Tail, Bugatti, Pagari Huayra or a Maybaach Exelero - it is a celeb living with a...