
If you’re a lover of luxury, enjoy reading about travel, luxury lifestyle, start-ups and technology, and have something interesting to say about any of these spheres, this is the platform for you. Join Hype as a guest blogger and we will showcase your finest piece of writing to the world!

Please read our guidelines before working on any article or blog. These will give you a clear idea of the kind of content we are looking for and the requirements of our blog.

  1. The content must meet the Hype team’s quality standards in order to get published. The company holds the right to reject contributions at their discretion.
  2. The content must meet a minimum word limit of 300 words and should not exceed 700 words
  3. The guest blogger may republish the blog on their own platforms – Linkedin, Medium, own blog etc
  4. Hype reserves the right to edit and update the blog as per our convenience
  5. Images sourced should be clearly cited as: ‘Image Source’, which should be free from copyright infringement.
  6. There should be 1 cover image with the resolution 750*400 and 2-3 images within the blog with a resolution of 1920*1279.
  7. Hype will not be responsible for any legal action taken against the infringement.
  8. The bloggers can have one back link to their company’s website.
  9. The content has to be aligned with our target audience.

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